Benefits of Belonging to Steilacoom Kiwanis include:
Achieving personal satisfaction through contributing to worthwhile causes.
Sponsoring youth service clubs: the Key Club at Steilacoom High School, the Builders Club at Pioneer Middle School (both of whom have many Dupont students participating) and the K-Kids Club at Chloe Clark.
Providing scholarships to graduating seniors.
Working with other community groups to help build the playground at Chambers Bay Park.
Providing financial support to the children living at the Child Study and Treatment Center.
Supporting Kiwanis International Programs such as the Iodine Deficiency Disorder Project.
Gaining fellowship and information through weekly club meetings.
Helping individuals pinpoint their community’s needs and working with others to provide solutions.
Helping individuals pinpoint their community’s needs and working with others to provide solutions.
Expectations of Belonging to Steilacoom Kiwanis:
Attend as many meetings as you can.
Take part in club service projects and yearly Wine Fest fund-raiser.
Take an active part by attending Interclub meetings with other Kiwanis clubs, finding a speaker, attending a Board meeting, bringing in a new member, or contributing “Happy Dollars.”
Have fun.
If you are interested in joining the Steilacoom Kiwanis Club or in just attending a meeting to find out more what it is about, please contact Dick Muri, Membership Chair or fill out the form on this page.