Member Benefits

Benefits of Belonging to Steilacoom Kiwanis include:

  • Achieving personal satisfaction through contributing to worthwhile causes.

    • Sponsoring youth service clubs: the Key Club at Steilacoom High School, the Builders Club at Pioneer Middle School (both of whom have many Dupont students participating) and the K-Kids Club at Chloe Clark.

    • Providing scholarships to graduating seniors.

    • Working with other community groups to help build the playground at Chambers Bay Park.

    • Providing financial support to the children living at the Child Study and Treatment Center.

    • Supporting Kiwanis International Programs such as the Iodine Deficiency Disorder Project.

    • Gaining fellowship and information through weekly club meetings.

    • Helping individuals pinpoint their community’s needs and working with others to provide solutions.

    • Helping individuals pinpoint their community’s needs and working with others to provide solutions.

Expectations of Belonging to Steilacoom Kiwanis:

  • Attend as many meetings as you can.

  • Take part in club service projects and yearly Wine Fest fund-raiser.

  • Take an active part by attending Interclub meetings with other Kiwanis clubs, finding a speaker, attending a Board meeting, bringing in a new member, or contributing “Happy Dollars.”

  • Have fun.

If you are interested in joining the Steilacoom Kiwanis Club or in just attending a meeting to find out more what it is about, please contact Dick Muri, Membership Chair or fill out the form on this page.