This is the database of people who have shown interest in supporting kids through specific programs. It is sorted by date of entry.
First Name | Last Name | Email | Cell Phone | Programs and events | Comments or Concerns |
Cynthia | Carlsson | | 253-380-9394 | We Love Steilacoom Food Bank, Steilacoom High School Food and Supply Closet, Northwest Youth Leadership Conference, Easter Egg Hunt, Can Recycling Program | |
Caroline | Von Laffert | | 6789970211 | Northwest Youth Leadership Conference, National Night Out Against Crime | |
Sarah | Buckholz | | 253 255 6041 | Steilacoom High School Scholarships | |
Patricia | Kadel | | Day of Champions | Please send us information on how we can fund Day of Champions. | |
Vicki | harris | | 12533201492 |